通识教育部举行2020/2021学年大学先修班新生迎新活动 2020年9月18日下午,通识教育部假大学N座礼堂于下午三时半圆满开展了2020/2021学年大学先修班迎新见面会。此一年一度的盛会旨在帮助新录取的大学全体先修班学生熟悉本学年的学习规划以及在学习和生活中所需要的重要资讯,包括课程学习计划实施以及大学各部门的行政职能介绍,以协助学生度过一年充实的先修学习生活并顺利升本。 出席本次见面会的有大学副校长林志军教授、通识教育部教务办公室主任朱爱微女士、先修班课程协调主任高亚娟助理教授、学生事务处谭洁玲助理行政主任、通识教育部何永辉助理行政主任、以及新学年先修班导师代表谢琴老师和王志强老师。大会由高亚娟主任主持,首先邀请了林副校长向新学年的同学们致欢迎词。林副校长首先介绍了澳门科技大学建校以来的飞速发展以及骄人的成绩,接着从教学环境创设、学生能力综合培养以及跨地域的文化和法律法规关照三个层面深情寄语了全体先修班新生们要好好利用大学提供的平台抓紧机遇、勤练身心、全面发展,最终达致自我实现。随即高老师介绍了大学先修班本学年的录取和分班情况、学习规划和要求以及通识教育部办公室的行政职能;学生事务处助理行政主任谭洁玲小姐为第一次来到澳门求学的同学们讲解了澳门法律与法规、大学校园生活、学生签证、学生校内活动及大学生心理健康维护等事项。 紧承学生事务处的详细介绍,高老师又阐述了大学班导师及学长制度,让同学们感到虽然来到千里之外的大学开启新的求学生涯,还是有如同班主任一般的班导师可以让自己在澳科大的学习生活比较安心从容。最后,作为迎新会上的一个传统,今年大会邀请了先修班优秀毕业生到会来分享自己在澳科大学习的探索以及曾在大学先修班的学习生活经历和心得,孙陈浩杰同学诙谐幽默而又语重心长地同先修班的学弟学妹们分享了自己先修一年生活息息相关的三个个方面:先修学习的心态和学习生活经验、提高GPA及升本事项以及先修班学业自我规划与时间管理建议。 下午四时半,大会在轻松愉快的氛围里、老师和学姐的深入浅出的无私分享及热烈的互动之中圆满结束。通识教育部的同仁们将继续踏实努力工作,积极推出有利于学生学业进展的特色课程,更好地引领和服务越来越多的先修班同学们,助其顺利地踏出在澳门科技大学坚实的第一步,出色完成学业、顺利升本,达致自己心仪的学院和专业,开启精彩的人生篇章。 2020/2021 Academic Year Orientation for Pre-university Students On the afternoon of September 18th, the 2020/2021 academic year orientation for Pre-university students was held in N101. This grand annual meeting of the university leaders, teachers, staff and new students aims to prepare the new PU students for the life and study in M.U.S.T. in the upcoming academic year. Guests and speakers attending the orientation include Vice President Professor Lin Zhi Jun, Officer of the Academic Office of thef Department of General Education Ms. CHU Oi Mei, Coordinator of Pre-university Programme Assistant Professor Gao Ya Juan, Assistant Administrative Officer Ms. Tam Kit Leng, Assistant Administrative Officer Mr. Ho Weng Fai, as well as mentors for Pre-university students Lecturers Xie Qin and Wang Zhi Qiang. Ms. Gao hosted the orientation and invited Professor Lin to address the grand meeting. Professor Lin introduced the amazing development of our university in recent years and elaborated from three aspects (university teaching, faculty programming and cross-culture communications) on how to become a responsible person so that all students could make fully use of the university resources to achieve self-actualization. Professor Lin’s speech was then followed by Ms. Gao’s introduction of the whole PU program framework, duties of the Department of General Education Office and the university mentor system; Ms. Tam explained in detail the student-related law in Macau as well as issues concerning visa and consultancy service necessary for life on campus. Lastly, as a tradition, this orientation invited an excellent student representative who once studied in PU program to share with these new students her own experiences and tips as to the life in Macau and study in M.U.S.T.. Fresh graduate Sun Chen Hao Jie talked enthusiastically how to adapt to study in Pre-U program, how to get a higher GPA and offered generously her advice on time management. At 16:30 the orientation ended with heated discussion and interaction between the speakers and the new students. DGE office is determined to work harder and provide more elective courses popular among the young students, so that we can better facilitate the PU students to have not only a smooth first year study but also a splendid further academic study life in their dream faculties in M.U.S.T..